Designers and Manufacturers of Nuclear Radiation Detectors

Designers and Manufacturers of Nuclear Radiation Detectors

Designers and Manufacturers of Nuclear Radiation Detectors

Designers and Manufacturers of Nuclear Radiation Detectors

Designers and Manufacturers of Nuclear Radiation Detectors


Since 1964, LND, Incorporated has been a leader in the design and manufacture of ionization chambers, geiger tubes, x-ray proportional counters and neutron detectors. With over a thousand different designs, this website can contain only a sampling of our product line.

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Though often overshadowed by its own accomplishments, materials science has played a significant role in some of modern society’s greatest advancements. From developing high-temperature super conductors to testing the strength of airplane wings to piloting the latest projects in alternative fuel, materials science has helped us understand much of our world at the atomic level….

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Air Pollution Monitor   According to the World Health Organization, nine out of 10 people on Earth breathe polluted air, a number that contributes to millions of deaths every year.   Some of the most serious air pollutants are known as PM-2.5, small particles nearly 30 times finer than a human hair that get deep…

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As the search for extraterrestrial life continues, ExoMars 2020 represents the next chapter in astrobiological exploration. A joint project organized by the European Space Agency (ESA) and the Russian space agency, Roscosmos, ExoMars 2020 is scheduled to launch in July 2020, depositing a rover and landing surface platform along Mars’ equator in order to search…

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On January 1st, 2017 IATA special provision A202 went into effect.  This new special provision allows for the shipment of radiation detectors containing pressurized Division 2.2 gases that were formally covered by DOT special permits and competent authority approvals.  In addition, special provision A202 allows for the repackaging of detectors into radiation detection equipment, resulting…

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LND, Inc. has been awarded a patent for an enhanced sensitivity neutron detection module (NDM) that uses boron trifluoride as the detection medium.   The NDM achieves equivalent sensitivities to Helium-3 systems of the same physical dimensions, making it an ideal drop-in replacement for Helium-3 systems already deployed in the field.  The NDM incorporates a…

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